ITMentorlab Nepal

Post-COVID trends in the travel and hospitality industry

Summary: After a COVID-19 dry spell for two years, the travel and hospitality industry has finally been roused from a deep sleep. As pandemic regulations loosen and borders reopen (to various extents) in multiple regions, flights and accommodation are experiencing a steep surge in demand. What does this new landscape look like? What are some of the key developments and

RESUL platform features: A November showcase

Summary: In our article from the previous month, we covered some of the features RESUL offers to simplify marketers’ activities. In this article, we will be continuing that thread and discuss further on how the RESUL solution can facilitate effective customer engagement. Resulticks’ new enhancement on our multidimensional canvas (journey builder for drip campaigns) now enables sending additional follow-up communications after

World Environment Day 2023: The plasti-city problem

Here’s a quick thought experiment: how many things within your arm’s reach are made of plastic? When it comes to sustainable development, plastic is often given a free pass because it’s so convenient. However, free passes also come with expiry dates. The tipping point Plasticity refers to a material’s ability to be molded into any shape and retain it. It’s

Unified data: the fuel that powers personalized experiences and deep engagement

Summary: When a customer walks into a store and is immediately recognized by name and receives personalized preferential treatment, that person will almost always leave the store feeling happy, cared for, and ready to come back for more. Now, imagine another scenario. That same customer visits the brand’s online store and receives a similarly rewarding experience including name recognition and

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